Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Anastasiia. Photoshoot in gorgeous dress

Perfect combination of the location and outfit. It is my second best place for taking pictures in Prague — Kinský...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Zuzana & Patrik. Love story photography

Beautiful autumn photoshoot with an amazing couple. Regardless it was really autumn weather, we enjoyed the...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Olya & Sasha. Family photography

Beautiful combination of pregnancy and family photoshoot. When Olya told me about her idea I couldn’t wait to perform...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Dima & Inna. Wedding photography

One autumn wedding photoshoot, which we did in Wallenstein garden and with the view to Charles Bridge🤵🏼‍♂️👰🏻‍♀️
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Vladimír & Fabiola. Maternity photography

I really like autumn for this amazing atmosphere😍📸
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Veronika. Princess photography

It was the first time we took pictures in this dress. At the photoshoot we where followed by ten small observers, who...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Kateryna. Summer picniс

Photoshoot in Průhonice Park with beautiful Kateryna 📸❤️
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Viktoria. Birthday photography

Beautiful birthday photoshoot with Viktoria😍📸