Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Alex. Family photography with baby

To organise a photoshoot a few weeks after delivery is really hard, but these first moments with the baby worth it🥰
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Estel. Family Xmas photography

Family Xmas photoshoot from last year which we did in a castle studio in Beroun 🥰🎄
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Olya & Sasha. Family photography

Beautiful combination of pregnancy and family photoshoot. When Olya told me about her idea I couldn’t wait to perform...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Andrea. Family Xmas photography

Beautiful Xmas photoshoot with a very nice family😍🎄
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Estel. First photoshoot

First Estel’s photoshoot was perfect. We decided to do it at her home, so that Estel felt comfortable🥰