Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Zuzana & Patrik. Love story photography

Beautiful autumn photoshoot with an amazing couple. Regardless it was really autumn weather, we enjoyed the...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Ricardo & Aigul. Love story photography

I really enjoy, when I can catch at the photoshoot true love between two people😍
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Jan & Cornelia. Wedding photography

I usually prefer colour photography, but here we managed to catch so beautiful emotions. So that the emotions are...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Marco & Caroline. Maternity photography

Beautiful maternity photoshoot, which we did in October. The African traditional costume is really amazing and...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Marianna & Ivan. Maternity photography

Maternity photoshoot can be in different styles, from fabrics and ruches to classic and elegant outfits 🥰📸