Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Lesia. Maternity photography

January maternity photoshoot, where we managed to capture so many beautiful outfits😍 All outfits are available for...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Anastasiia. Photoshoot in gorgeous dress

Perfect combination of the location and outfit. It is my second best place for taking pictures in Prague — Kinský...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Taras & Anna. Maternity photography

We did so beautiful and gentle maternity pictures with this couple. We already plan our next photoshoot, but already...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Maria. Maternity photography

I thought that Masha will never agree to perform my photography ideas, but in the reality I even didn’t need...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Veronika. Princess photography

It was the first time we took pictures in this dress. At the photoshoot we where followed by ten small observers, who...
Examples of portrait pictures in Prague and Czech Republic. Professional photographer in Prague Anastasia Haritonova

Viktoria. Birthday photography

Beautiful birthday photoshoot with Viktoria😍📸